
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce viverra pharetra dolor ac tincidunt. Morbi sed dolor iaculis, cursus mauris quis, sollicitudin orci. Proin tincidunt pretium neque, non aliquet dolor cursus ac. Praesent dignissim risus augue, ac rutrum nunc porta vel. Aliquam hendrerit quis libero a fermentum. Morbi accumsan mi sit amet augue elementum luctus. Suspendisse blandit odio a turpis rutrum tincidunt. Nunc consectetur massa vel urna lacinia pharetra. Sed elementum blandit ipsum ac placerat. Donec convallis porttitor nibh, at aliquet ligula commodo at. Vestibulum non porta dolor, ac ullamcorper orci. Praesent euismod imperdiet dolor, et pulvinar est dictum ut. Curabitur congue dolor egestas urna placerat malesuada. Praesent aliquam blandit justo ac pulvinar. Integer ultrices, velit in lacinia tincidunt, tellus mauris feugiat urna, at blandit eros enim non purus.

Donec ipsum urna, mollis a ante in, euismod varius nulla. Ut at lorem facilisis, rutrum mauris eu, convallis quam. Sed a aliquam dui. Quisque laoreet in dolor nec congue. Nam fringilla sem sit amet tristique pellentesque. Aenean molestie mi eu massa tempus posuere. Nam euismod non ante vel tristique. Aenean nec nisi consectetur, tincidunt odio ac, pretium nulla. Vivamus ut lacinia nisi. Maecenas at volutpat diam. Pellentesque dapibus metus sed accumsan sollicitudin. Vivamus eget commodo diam.

Phasellus ultricies condimentum eros vitae condimentum. Maecenas arcu justo, ornare vel pretium sit amet, ultricies vitae ipsum. Mauris semper turpis eu ullamcorper ultricies. In elit enim, vehicula et est eu, luctus porta est. Morbi sagittis iaculis nibh non faucibus. Integer bibendum dolor ut magna sollicitudin mattis. Etiam sem odio, convallis ac velit non, porta ultricies est. Proin nunc mauris, iaculis sit amet massa vel, lacinia mattis augue. Fusce non rutrum urna. Donec suscipit ornare commodo. Proin at odio magna. Proin lobortis elit at augue volutpat, id consectetur erat dapibus. Quisque ante libero, vehicula quis arcu vitae, mollis adipiscing nunc. Aliquam sodales augue gravida, tristique tellus ac, tempor neque.

Etiam ultricies, nunc sed malesuada porta, justo leo pellentesque erat, a volutpat risus ante vel ipsum. Nam tincidunt urna et velit elementum placerat. Donec tincidunt sollicitudin tempor. Nullam vitae tempor lorem, ac lacinia sem. Suspendisse vitae accumsan purus. Curabitur elementum posuere orci et elementum. Pellentesque commodo massa sit amet orci mattis, nec pulvinar neque porta. Suspendisse aliquam lorem tincidunt sapien luctus tincidunt. Morbi turpis nulla, aliquet egestas viverra ac, vehicula et mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed iaculis urna sit amet ipsum porta lobortis.

Phasellus a tortor non orci faucibus egestas. Etiam aliquet nulla sit amet scelerisque elementum. Etiam ut nulla iaculis, tincidunt felis vehicula, fringilla justo. Ut non nibh sed sapien semper semper. Maecenas auctor vitae turpis at tempus. Cras rutrum purus id est tincidunt, quis consectetur justo tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut nec tincidunt nulla, in cursus tellus. Maecenas in lorem elementum, varius turpis at, semper nisi. Morbi ac risus eget neque iaculis tempus. Mauris varius ornare dolor in luctus.
  • From an early age, he has had an intense love of fighting games, especially the Soul Calibur series. He can frequently be found haunting arcades or other places to play the games, despite owning the large majority of them on console. Since he was generally a shy and quiet kid, his parents never seemed to mind that they were typically violent. His favorite characters in the Soul Calibur series are Kilik and Zasalamel.
  • Deciding that college was largely pointless and a waste of time early on, he dropped out in the beginning of his sophomore year. He doesn't regret it in the least, and doesn't have any desire to go back to school.
  • Despite his flirtatious nature, he is very hesitant when it comes to relations of a sexual nature. Because of this, he also finds himself unwilling to go forth in the dating scene. He figures that if something meaningful happens, it happens, but is afraid that if he does try he won't find people interested in more than sex.
  • He has often been teased about his handwriting, occasionally being told that he should have been a doctor because of it. He would equate it to chicken scratches, but has found it difficult to improve on it. It remains one of the few things he is truly self-conscious about.
  • Talking about sex in a casual manner is a difficult subject for him. He does have experience in that area, but it is something that has caused problems with potential partners before. In spite of this, it is a thing that he will joke about, so long as it isn't in reference to himself.
  • He is actually not that confident in himself. He wouldn't say he has low self-esteem, but he also doesn't feel like he is “enough” for most people. Regardless of his generally friendly nature, he does feel that, at times, he risks going too far with it.
  • Through school, he long had an interest in the arts. His preferences gravitated toward music and drawing, but he found that a career path through music was a much better source of income. Interestingly, even with his inability to approach people, he found that being on a stage of any kind meant he could share a large part of himself without having to worry about too much disapproval.

Full Name
Christian Jonah Ford
CJ, Ceej, Chris, Rex
Date of birth
February 28, 1985
Seattle, WA
Huntington Beach, CA
Every end's a new beginning

KEN: The man who saved him, and a long-time friend. Recently, turned much closer.

SULLY: One of his first friends after moving to California.
All around bad influence and dirty old man.

MARI: His best female friend, rib night buddy and femme fatale.

DAMIAN: His only one night stand, with whom he has recently become friends.

TYSON: His cousin, acquainted with in the last couple years. The shirtless wonder!

SAM: Random recent acquaintance. The man from Montana.

Transcending history,
and the world,
a tale of souls and swords,
eternally retold.